
“It is possible that South London contains some law abiding citizens in conventional relationships but they make no appearance in Timlin’s immoral, wildly enjoyable books”

The Times

“Well f*****g hard”


“The most impressive aspect of Timlin’s compressed style is the constant juxaposition of the witty and the tense”

Sunday Times

“Full of cars, girls, guns, strung out along the high sierras of Brixton and Battersea, the Elephant and the North Peckham Estate, all those jewels in the crown they call Sarf London”


“Grips like a pair of regulation handcuffs”

The Guardian

“The mean streets of South London need their heroes tough. Private eye Nick Sharman fits the bill”

Weekend Telegraph

“Timlin’s South London is well drawn, full of dodgy boozers and villains, dodgier clubs and coppers, cemeteries and second-hand car dealers”

The Face